


  • 0531-86361088
  • Lzhmf@sdjzu.edu.cn






1995.9-2002.6 兰州大学地理系 本科、硕士;

2003.9-2006.7 华东师范大学地理系博士;

2002.7-至今,山东建筑大学 讲师、副教授、教授;




1. 2024.6-2025.6,山东省生态环境厅“全省生态质量监测与评价项目”,163.8万。(Z24010Z);

2. 2024.1-2025.08,济南市教育局重点“基于可扩展架构平台的星载智能处理系统”,100万。(JNSX2023065);

3. 2023.01-2025.12,主持省自然科学基金面上项目“城市三维空间结构对城市热环境的影响机制与调控对策”,10万。(ZR2022MD070);

4. 2022.01-2025.12,山东省科技厅黄河流域(山东)水环境健康关键技术与高端装备研发之专题一:生态系统遥感评估、建模与平台研发,76万。(0031504);

5. 2021.12.10-2022.12,山东省应急管理厅“普查数据集成与应用”,200万。Z22001Z。

1. 第四届全国高等学校GIS教学成果奖 二等奖;

2. 中国遥感优秀成果奖,一等奖。

3. 2022.12,山东省优秀硕士论文指导教师。

4. 2021.10,山东省优秀研究生指导教师。

5. 2021.10,山东省优秀硕士论文指导教师。

6. 2016.11,山东省优秀学士论文指导教师。

代表性论文1,Yin Chenglong, Meng Fei*, Yang Xinyue, et al. Spatio-temporal evolution of urban built-up areas and analysis of driving factors —A comparison of typical cities in north and south China. Land Use Policy 117 (2022) 106114.(SSCI, IF:7.1)

代表性论文2,Meng Fei, Cao Changyong, Shao Xi. Suomi-NPP VIIRS-derived aerosol optical thickness over China in 2013. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2015, 163:61-69. ( SCI,IF:7. 388).

代表性论文3,Zhang Jiawei, Meng Fei *, Fu Pingjie, et al. Tracking changes in chlorophyll-a concentration and turbidity in Nansi Lake using Sentinel-2 imagery: A novel machine learning approach, Ecological Informatics, 2024, 81:102597. (SCI, IF:4.498)

代表性论文4,Yang Xinyue, Meng Fei*, Fu Pingjie, et al. Instability of remote sensing ecological index and its optimisation for time frequency and scale, Ecological Informatics, 2022, 72:101870.(SCI, IF:4.498)

代表性论文5,Zhang Jiawei, Fu Pingjie, Meng Fei*, et al. Estimation algorithm for chlorophyll-a concentrations in water from hyperspectral images based on feature derivation and ensemble learning. Ecological Informatics, 2022(71): 101783.(SCI, IF:4.498)

代表性论文6,Yang Xinyue, Meng Fei*, Fu Pingjie, et al. Time-frequency optimization of RSEI: A case study of Yangtze River Basin, Ecological Indicators, 141 (2022) 109080. (SCI, IF: 6.263)

代表性论文7,Yang Xinyue, Meng Fei*, Fu Pingjie, et al. Spatiotemporal change and driving factors of the Eco-Environment quality in the Yangtze River Basin from 2001 to 2019. Ecological Indicators 131 (2021) 108214.(SCI, IF: 6.263)

代表性论文8,Fu Pingjie, Zhang Wei, Yang Keming, Meng Fei*. A novel spectral analysis method for distinguishing heavy metal stress of maize due to copper and lead: RDA and EMD-PSD. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 206:111211.(SCI, IF:4.87)

代表性论文9,Yin Chenglong, Meng Fei*, Xu Yinuo, et al. Developing urban built-up area extraction method based on land surface emissivity differences, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2020, 110: 103475.(SCI, IF:2.997)

代表性论文10,Yin Chenglong, Meng Fei*, Yu Qiren. Calculation of land surface emissivity and retrieval of land surface temperature based on a spectral mixing model. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2020,108:103333.(SCI, IF:2.997)

专利1,基于深度学习模型的土壤水分反演方法及系统,专利号:ZL 2024 1 0205560.4

专利2,基于纹理信息引导的高分辨率耕地伪样本可控生成方法. ZL 2024 1 0065681.3